Are You a Victim of TEXT Anxiety?No, you’re not reading that wrong. In spite of the fact that TEST anxiety is a very real and difficult problem (which we can talk about...
Social Media Superstorms: Surviving Unscathed Part 2Have you, like me, ever been on the sofa in your pajamas on a Saturday night? And on said Saturday night, have you ever scrolled through...
My Diagnosis is Not an Adjective!“I am so depressed. I really wanted these boots but they don’t have them in my size!” “It was sunny this morning and now it’s stormy!...
Social Media Superstorms: Surviving Unscathed Part 1Have you ever logged on to your favorite social media website to see — or make — a status update like this? “I can’t stand when so called...
Invitation Anxiety?Have you ever declined an invitation? If you are a human on planet earth, there is at least a decent chance that your answer to the above...
Back to School Anxieties – When Do You Seek Help?Ahhh, September. The leaves are beginning to turn, the air is beginning to cool, and it is back to school for the kids. And, while some...
You are More than an IllnessMany people who suffer with mental health issues have struggled with the same issues for many years. Some of these individuals may even...
...And Do You Do CBT?This is probably the most common question I am asked when speaking to new clients. CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is not so much...
Why Me?“Linda isn’t depressed, and her life seems a lot worse than mine. So.... why me?” Sound familiar? This is a kind of thinking that hurts...
Talk to Your KidsIt seems that over the past few months, the media has been flooded with stories of violent tragedies. From the Newtown shootings in...